Simple and easy to follow
I2Djs source code is written using ES6 Modules. It provides bundles to support different JS environments - anonymous AMD, CommonJS, ESM, and Vanilla JS.
Source Code:
You can download the source code of I2Djs from the gitHub Repository.
i2d.js [ i2d.min.js ] - ES6 syntax without modules support.
i2d.esm.browser.js [ i2d.esm.browser.min.js ] - Follows ES module standards.
i2d.legacy.js [ i2d.legacy.min.js ] - For older versions of javascript.
Also, it provides minified versions for all the above-mentioned formats.
<script> Tag:
To use directly in the browser
npm package:
I2Djs npm package can be installed using the below cmd.
ES6 module Importing.
Import modules into the namespace.
Import individual modules:
Last updated
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