Join Action
A way to define the relation ship between data and the graphical elements.
I2D provides a unique way of performing a join between data and the graphical Elements. Using Join-Actions one can define enter(New), exit(Obsolete), update actions on Dom elements.
It is a new way to define the relationship between data and the elements.
The join method takes data array, element selector, and action object as arguments. Action object comprises of joinOn (join key) and actions - enter, update, and exit.
Join API returns a set of handles to interact with the data/nodes. Using handle one can push the new data or pop or remove specific value from the data array, which internally triggers the respective actions. This mechanism boosts the application performance by avoiding unnecessary join executions.
#.join(dataArray, selector, Actions);
Data is specified as an array of values.
A selector is a valid CSS selector string - (.)Class, (#)Id, NodeName . It supports multiple selectors, comma separated, to perform join across DataArray and the individual selector elements. In the below example join takes place between DataArray - 'circle' Elements and DataArray - 'text' elements.
This approach helps in keeping the logic compact by eliminating redundant Join code.
#Actions Object
ActionsObject is comprised of actions (Enter, Exit, update) and the Join key specifier clause (joinOn).
JoinOn [optional] :
It's an access function to specify the join Key. If not specified, default behavior join-by-index will be considered.
Actions :
Enter [optional]: It's a function that defines an action for the new data. It receives an object as an input, with elementSelector property holding the corresponding new data array. New Data array has to be used with createEls() to create Elements, internally it binds the data object to the element. In the below example, the Enter action creates Circle and Text elements for the new Data.
Update [optional]: The update method defines an action on the nodes of the retained dataset. Update action receives an object with elementSelector property holding respective nodes collection.
Exit [optional]: The Exit method defines action on the nodes corresponding to the obsolete dataset. Just like update action, exit action also receives an object with elementSelector property holding respective nodes collection.
Join Handles:
Join API returns handles to interact with the Data. Using handle one can push the new data or pop data or remove specific data/Data array, which internally triggers the respective actions. This mechanism boosts the application performance by avoiding unnecessary join executions.
joinRef.join([Data]): It's useful in re-executing the complete actions for the new data set. Accepts Data Array and Performs complete join-actions executions.
#.push(data): If you push one or more new data elements, Enter action will be triggered for the new data elements.
#.pop(): Pop removes the last element from the data array and triggers Exit action.
#.remove(data): Accepts Data Value or array of values. Respective data will be removed from the Data array and triggers the Exit action.
#.update(): To manually trigger the update action.
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