
The path is the most powerful element in a graphical context, using which any complex or basic permeative shape can be defined. I2Djs Path provides a set of methods that are used to build or interpret the path. It follows the SVG Path syntax definition. It is compatible across I2Ds SVG and Canvas renderers.

The path is available as a part of I2D Object space.

It can be imported as below.

import {path} from 'i2djs';


Path Instance creation:

var pathInstance = i2d.path()

#.m(absoluteflag, point);

pathInstance.m(true, { x: 0, y: 0 })

#.h(absoluteflag, point);

pathInstance.h(true, { x: 100 });

#.v(absoluteflag, point);

pathInstance.v(true, { y: 100 })

#.l(absoluteflag, point);

pathInstance.l(true, {x : 100, y: 100 });

#.c(absoluteflag, ctrl1, ctrl2, point);

pathInstance.c(true, {x : 50, y: 0 }, {x : 0, y: 50 }, {x : 100, y: 100 });

#.q(absoluteflag, ctrl1, point);

pathInstance.q(true, {x : 0, y: 50 }, {x : 100, y: 100 });

#.s(absoluteflag, ctrl2, point);

pathInstance.s(true, {x : 50, y: 0 }, {x : 50, y: 0 }, {x : 100, y: 100 })

#.a(absoluteflag, rx, ry, xRotation, arcLargeFlag, sweepFlag, point);

pathInstance.a(true, 0, 0, 2.1, true, false, {x : 100, y: 100 });




pathInstance.parse("M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z");




